logo july

Welcome to another late monthly showcase of all the hobby the guys and girls down the Spartans have been working on in the month of July. The nerds have produced a fine collection of mini’s for your perusal, as usual you can click on each picture for a closer look.

First up we have Lawrence and an amazing entry into everchosen and a collection of D&D models. firstly lets just admire the glory that is the demon model… pure loveliness!! love the pastel colour pallet used to create a distinctly beautiful paint scheme. and that cloak!!! and the range of D&D models all of which look fantastic. just take a gander and enjoy! lovely stuff mate!

Next we have Paul who is back up to his high quantity/quality output and produced a range of tiles for his titanicus and some super sweet models for his warcry band with some ghostly plant people nice, nice blending from the weeds to the spiritual appenditures! and love the fact he’s managed to paint in a downed imperial fist xiphon just to wind Joel up! awesome stuff as always!

A continuación tenemos al Sr. Marlow y un millón y un guardia imperial. Se está poniendo cada vez mejor cada mes y ha estado noqueando a mano alzada como si no hubiera mañana. Gran uso de una gama de modelos para crear diferentes unidades y lentes encantadores y espadas de poder. muy buen trabajo compañero!

Next we have Matt and some very nice objective markers for his Talons force made up from random custodes bits, lovely use of random primarch bases to mount them on!! but the cream is the titanicus legio he has been working on for some time, which are stunning and the awesome looking bases with water effects, which truly create a fantastic setting for these models and makes them truly unique. fantastic work as always!!!!

Next we have Barry, who has actually finished a model for the first time what seems like an eternity!!  he has been playing around with contrast paints for a quick paint job to make a very nice officer.it just goes to show that contrast paints can be used effectively and quickly to create a great finish! lets hope he starts knocking up some more models for next month!.

Next we have Bill who has been working on some dark elves and has gone for a rather striking red and black scheme which you dont see much of… great looking skin tones to give the dark elf their usual pallor and the red and black looks really nice! top work buddy!


Next we have Si who managed to finally finish up a 10 man flamer squad for his solar aux in a nice sea green armour which you dont see very often and a dark angels rhino with some nice weathering. Si is hoping to get some more solar aux done soon but has been put off by just hos fiddly they are!

Next we have slam Dunk and another million models he has managed to knock up in july! this time its some Malifaux models and has painted some lovely gun slingers where the denim looks so good along with the flowing cloaks, great blending throughout! and some great metallic constructs where he has used a range to create a TMM style effect across the unit. And also a very tricky fire elemental thingy-ma-bob but my fave is the lovely rich skin tones of the black gentlemen with hammers as it can be very difficult to pull off, all in all a very well executed bunch of models here buddy!

On to the next bunch and its Rob with some more malifaux models which look really nicely done. however, my fave is the flamenco clown dancer, the dress and shawl look great whislt the clown face paint looks awesome! Rob is another one who seems to be improving month on month! lovely to see the development, keep it up bud!

Next we have Greg and some inquisition models which are looking great!. love the blue grey on the inquisitor and they have all been painted to a very nice and clean and crisp finish. these are some of my favourite GW models and has certainly done them justice. great back drop to the models in front of the tv monitors. great work buddy!

Next we have Mark who has been showcasing a range of his models from his collection, all of which are stunning but i particularly love the nurgle greens as they have been well blended and using a brighter pallet that you usually see, which really make them pop! also the IF dreadnought and armiger are so crisp and painted to a high standard. lovely looking collection! i know hes been busy in august so we have lots to look forward to next month as well! super first entry from Mark!

Next we have Lewis and bloated blight drone painted in a lovely creamy colour which once again is a lovely change of pace from the usual colour scheme. the lens has been painted so well it looks super realistic along with the slimey base that has become a trademark of his army! very very nice work bud!


On to Scouse Greg, who managed to knock out a whole army ready for an event with some demons which are looking awesome… this may be the first time greg has managed to finish an army!!!! and i love the offset against the snowy bases to maximise the contrast against the demons. i also like that he’s gone for a grey skin tone as something a bit different for his nurgle demons. lovely stuff keep it up!

Next we have long time lurker Tom who has also made a start on his adeptus titanucus and knocked up a great looking first model in the shape of a warlord titan. great looking red offset against the off white shoulders with some nice stripes to break up the armour panels, we cant wait for some more to be painted up!


and last but not least we have Dan G with some more malifaux and another painter who seems to be improving month on month. love the horse and the bases he’s used axross the models and dark robes have been well done to give depth to the fabric. really nice Dan we look forward to more next month!

So there we have it for july and a fantastic bunch of models i’m sure you will agree so until august i will leave you with a Sr. Marlow factoid:

El servicio secreto no puede gritar “¡Abajo!” más cuando el presidente está a punto de ser atacado. Ahora tienen que gritar “¡Donald, pato!”