Welcome to another monthly round up of all the lovely and glorious hobby the nerds at the Spartans have been working on throughout November. Once again we have some awesome examples to show off, remember you can always click on each picture for a closer look. So lets get on with it!

First up we have Chris with some more excellent marines, first of which is the contemptor dread from the Calth set in his lovely BA scheme with a great looking base. He has also stole the batmobile and kitted it out for his army, which looks hella cool! But my fave is the original Emperor’s Children Doctor Evil and his pro LGBT/thank you NHS robes! a very accomplished paint job as we have no become to expect from Chris, nice work buddy!

Next we have Matt Q and a solitary Tau model which i haven’t seen before that looks very regal and warrior-esq on his floating disk and nicely painted blue flesh i think this is a very cool looking model and he has managed to capture the essence of the model perfectly with this paint job, one of your best yet i think bud!!! love it!

Up next we have t’other Matt with a man with a flaming sword hand and his pet bear, who’s sporting a lovely off the shoulder medicine pouch that he keeps his marmalade sandwiches and honey pot in. Great flame effect and nice work on the clothing to create a very crisp paint job plus the bears fur and claws looks pawesome! great stuff once again dude!

Next up we have Neil who once again is working through some more of his very cool looking marines this time with some deathwatch primaris marines once again set against the moody back drop. Great looking matte black with some subtle contrast against the bases and the metallic left arms. Love the simplistic scheme but that belies the technique to create the great looking black. very well done bud, really like them!

Next up is Dan G with a very scary looking troll. great work on the flesh and the cloth and fabric with some nice highlights across both. the thing i like most is the teeth and gums which add a touch of realism to the model and he has based it well to complete the scene. great work bud some of your best yet.

Next is Marc with a lovely looking Heresy era Blood Angels which is the first model he’s managed to paint for some months now since he’s taken up golf and its a great looking little character with a jump pack in a nice deep red and gold trim thats been nicely weathered and based. nice highlights on the cloak and green sword offers a nice contrast to the red. nice work bud!

Next up is Paul who has been playing around with some primaris marines which have a nice and crisp finish with some lovely edge highlights to help make the black pop all of which have been offset nicely with the grassy bases to create interest along with the yellow and red accent colours. really nicely done buddy!

Next up is Si who has dug out the now OOP Caestus Assault Ram he’s had hidden in a drawer for the last few years during Lockdown version 1. Which he spent a week re-bending the resin and gluing so it looks almost straight… this however put him off painting the thing until now! He’s gone with his typical asymmetric chequers and stripes and made good use of the new Dark Angels transfers to make the black armour panels interesting.

Up next is Rob with another mish mash of models, with some minotaur spear and shield squadsmen with some nice red and black on the shields which work so well to add interest to the bronzen colour scheme. he’s also knocked out some more lovely looking hobbit minis and i especially love the horses and the bases he has done for this army, very cool looking indeed!

Up next we have Dunk with more of his Necrons in that great cream , grey and blue scheme he has mastered. These are so crisp and painted so well you need to look up close at each panel and the use of the cream, grey and blue works so well together and all have been edged perfectly to create a very visually stunning army on the tabletop! very nice as always buddy!!!

Next we have Stephen with his very cool looking plagued death guard marine with very neat and tidy painting and i really like the use of the highlights to create interest across the armour panels alongside a very prominent pin wash to create a very distinct sectioning of the model and literally makes all elements pop out to the eye as you look over the model. nicely done bud we look forward to seeing more from you!

and last but not least we have the Dan King with some sublime buildings and scenery he has knocked up, which are fantastic! love the level of detail he has worked into each building and will look incredible on the table top has he battles his way through WW2. I dont think i can do it justice so just look at the pics and admire his handywork! LOVE THESE Dan!

So there we are for the month of November, which may have had slightly less content but by golly the quality did not disappoint! so until the new year have a merry festive season and we hope you all get some hobbying done!