logo october

Vienvenido to another monthly round up of the glorious hobby erotica that the nerds down the Spartans have been furiously mass producing for your voyeur-esk tendencies, so without much further a do here is the latest offerings. Remember you can always click on the pictures if you want a closer look at a photo and model.

So first off we Matthew Q and his first attempt at painting  models in over 19 years with a 40K Nurgley death Guard marines festering nicely. With super duper clean and tidy painting this is a fantastic effort and a resounding success on his return to the hobby. Particularly like the way he has painted up the fanged maw on the belly of the marine. we look forward to following Matthew’s painting journey as he finishes off more models over the next dew months! keep it up bud!

Next we have DJ and his long awaited return to the 40K universe with this rather splendid looking Howling Griffons Redemptor dreadnought and primaris marine. This is such an iconic and difficult scheme to master. However, Dj has absolutely nailed with such a clean and crisp finish to the models, which have some nicely painted metallics to break up the coloured panels. The other models are giant rat ogres with guns for paws and lovely bronzed flesh complimented by the yellow cloth and green wires. lovely stuff once again DJ and we look forward to the instalment!

A continuación tenemos al señor Marlow y una muestra bastante grande de la bondad de la afición. Sin duda, ha sido un pequeño castor ocupado y ha estado extendiendo sus habilidades de pintura al probar nuevas técnicas en toda la gama de modelos. ¡Las lentes en particular se han hecho realmente bien y el efecto de cuero ha sido bien ejecutado! ¡mantenga este nivel de esfuerzo en su compañero que ha avanzado a pasos agigantados en los últimos 6 meses!

Next we have Lawrence and a varied collection of beautiful looking minis, some even dating back to the 80’s. Love the nose and flesh blue hatted gnome and the green robes on pouty metal muscle man. The necromunda minis have been really painted to a high standard with a range of techniques used on the different gangs, like the colour shift paint on the Van Saar an the red flesh of the abhorrent just looks toppers!!! Awesome bud!

Next we have Neil who is another who jumps from army and project from month to month and this month he’s been working on his Tau for 40K. Some great use of OSL lighting to add interest to the grey colour scheme and i really like the fact Neil has gone in and added some weathering to the models, which often you don’t see in the 40K universe. with some great looking bases these filthy Tau looking like filthy Tau! great work as always fella!

Next we have Paul, who has surprised us all this month by only painting 1 model!! but to be fair it was a titan…. but then again its only at 8mm scale… but he has absolutely smashed it… so we’ll let him off! great use of the stripes to breakup the charcoal black and deep red of legio mortis and i really like the white head as a focal point for the model which is tied nicely to the white stripes on the shin pad. nicely planned and executed! Lovely stuff with a great pose as well!

Next we have Greg who attended an event this month and left it until the night before  In many ways much like a danger wank, Greg managed to leave it until the very last minute to paint his models. However, with only 24 hours to paint an army he has managed to pull it out the bag with a really cool scheme that is consistent across the whole force. While Greg may not feel this is hos best work due to rushing through it all, it just shows how far his painting has come on if he managed to paint to this standard in those conditions!!  well played sir!

Up next we have another wanker this time its Si and his 2 squads of heresy era Alpha Legion and a Guild Ball model he painted up for Dan. Si decided to kit-bash some of the Forge World’s Emperors children palatine blades models and added random alpha legion bits to them to use the dynamic poses as a 30K Legion weapon master vet squad with some cool purple swords to create a unique looking  unit.

Next we have Dan G and a variety of models lots of which will be used as part of his role playing adventures as models for characters in DnD using some guild ball models as the base, which actually suit quite nicely. Dan has also made foray into AOS with some spooky spectres and the green to white blends look good to create the ghostly effect. well done mate keep it up!

Next we have Jimmy and some splendid looking sons of Baal that he’s been working on as a commission for a mate. As with all of Jim’s work its super crisp and clean with perfect edge highlights. Whats really cool is the gold armour of the sanguinor and also his blue wings edged in white and the eye lenses are so neat throughout. it looks so regal and angelic you have no problem believing he’s a son of Sanguinius. As always mate these are cracking!

Next we have pox ridden Lewis and his Nurgley friends. It seems that Deah guard are a very popular choice at the moment and i can see why, with such cool models to try painting up in different styles. it means you can try different techniques across one model. Lovely looking necrotic flesh and buboes painted throughout the army and these have come out super well. I bet these look awesome on the table next to the rest of your death guard! we look forward to more next month!

Next we have a single pic from Ben of a crazed bearded gentleman riding what appears to be a giant eagle type bird. The flesh and especially the robes look really good and although there’s lots of browns on the model it looks like real fabric. Good job on the eyes, which as we all know can be particularly difficult to get accurately done but he has managed with gusto. hopefully we can see the full thing next time?!


Up next w have Jay and his entry into Guidfords armies on parade with his smashing looking lizardmen display and board. love the effort that has gone into making the board and for me is still one of the best hobby competitions GW engages in. He managed to pick up a silver for his efforts and all i can say is the winner must have been outstanding because Jay this looks awesome. we can see from the pic below that the bright colours and the scales have been done particularly well across the the whole army! great work buddy!


Next we have Tom with a picture of his tiny grots…. love the juxtaposition of the tribal warpaint against the necromnda bases. I personally love these models and the skin has been really nicely done especially making the warpaint look like warpaint rather than blue flesh, well done sir, well done!


Up next we have Jonny and some rather dashing WW2  bolt action Hungarians looking all splendid in their uniforms as they run across the battle field punching each other in the arm shouting “Yellow tank!” with some great painting on fabric and flesh the models are looking sweeeeeet!!! its nice to see a variety of models in this months show case! lovely stuff!!

Next we have Dan King with a lovely collage of  Orktober goodness!! With some great chequering across the armour in red and cream offers a sharp contrast against the green skin along with the lenses which is nicely offset with the blue marine helmet. This is a great effort from Dan and some of his nicest stuff to date! well done lad we look forward to more entries in the not too distant future!!

and last but not least we have Dom and a rather regal looking Blood Angel, who has been nicely kitbashed and painted with a lovely gold trim and offset with the white face, shoulder and cape to help balance between the red and the gold to make a cool pose and great looking sword. nice work bud!

so there we have it another fine example of hobby throbby from all involved so until next time i shall leave you with the immortal words of Snr Marlow…

¿Cómo hace Moisés su té? ¡Lo hebreo esa!

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