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Hello and welcome to May’s painting showcase, where we have a bumper month of hobby related awesomeness as painted by the nerds at the Spartans. There are lots and lots of really well painted mini’s for you to enjoy and remember you can always click on the pictures for a closer look. So without further ado lets get cracking…

First up we have Dunk with a mega collection of entries from papa nurgle. The skin  looks fantastic and seriously necrotic with some nice blends from the greens and pinks on the tentacles and around the wounds. Along with a very nice and crisp Abaddon on a great looking base. And to top it all off he’s started on some Malifaux with a sexy samurai senorita looking lovely in red! Seriously high quantity and and high quality!! well dont Dunkers you are defo completing with Paul for that Mass production title now!

Next we have Matt and a rather odd looking chap that s cross between deadpool and the lass above for the new game all the cool kids are playing down the club, which means I have no idea what the game is called but i think you will all agree its looking rather dashing and the leather straps have been very well done, all in all top work Matthew!

Next we have Rob and a merry bunch of Hobbit miniatures with lovely painted mounts and bases. These look like they have a really cheery paint job and the horses look fantastic. Along with some more mini giant robots for his adeptus titanicus maniple, which are looking hot as tits! well done Honey Monster!

A continuación tenemos al Sr. Marlow y una gran colección de entradas. Ha estado trabajando en sus personajes de respaldo para D&D. Me encantan los tonos de piel púrpura y los ojos se han hecho bien en los soldados. ¡Las habilidades están literalmente mejorando con cada mes! ¡sigue así compañero!

Next we have Luke with a weird collection of minis, which i have no idea where or what system they are from but they look really cool and i love the uniform muted brown and earthy colour palette.  They almost have a motion animation feel to the models in the realms of Nick Park. Lovely stuff Luke they have loads of character, well done!. 

Up next we have Si who has made a start on his 30K Solar Auxilia allied detachment, which his take on the 142nd C’Thonian Headhunters loyal to the Warmaster Horus. Since Forge World have discontinued the transfers he decided he would try to free hand all the symbols… needless to say he’s sick of the sight of skulls!

Next we have Paul with a very lowly model count for his usual output but it looks absolutely stunning! Such a lovely brass effect that even with such  a close up of the model it still looks clean and crisp! Fantastic work Mate!


On to the next lot which is Neil and some marvellous ghouls and ghosties. First off the colour scheme is absolutely sublime and i just love how the deep rich blood red contrasts against the ghostly green and they take a lovely picture against the black back drop. I especially love the horse mounted chap and the bases look fantastic! Neil has also continued with his stormcasts which once again look very splendid! a very top month of work here Neil lad, well played!

On to the next lot with Joel and his Heresy era Imperial Fists heavy support with a dirty 10 man Volkite Culverin squad, which are absolutely brutal in game and will look absolutely stunning while they are removing your models! Lovely yellow offset with the MkIII face plates of a different colour it really gives the unit character and uniqueness and look great! Lovely stuff mate!

and last but not least we have Greg with a might fine recommissioned Imperial knight looking all knightly! A lovely clean paint job with some fantastic looking lenses and good use of transfers to create the image of a battle hardened veteran! Lovely stuff Greggles!


So there we have it, another fantastic looking collection of mini’s, we hope it gets your creative juices flowing to paint something up during June so until the next time i shall leave you with the immortal words of Snr Marlow.

Si te falta dinero y quieres hacer menta barata después de la cena, ¡simplemente congela un tubo de pasta de dientes y córtalo en rodajas finas para que tus invitados disfruten!

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